Thursday, August 18, 2016

How Lanna begins each day

Good morning. I wanted to change things up a bit. Normally, I'd post a book cover or a small quote uplifting and funny or serious but something totally not about me. Today, I'm going to start my blog and tell you my morning routine and why.

 I usually get up in the morning and the first thing I do is reach for my phone and check all my social media then book ratings and reviews. I found myself frustrated and disappointed. Why can't I sell a book? Even one would help. Why aren't the many people I've given books away for free to writing their reviews? These questions I know other authors ask themselves each and every day. I just happen to do that at 4:00 am. I'm an early riser, I guess. By 5:00 am, I'm frustrated and wanting to sit in a corner, thumb in mouth and cry like a baby.

Instead, since I came home from the hospital, yes if some of you didn't know, I just spent 11 days in the hospital to get my mind straightened out. Sorry, off topic there for a moment. These brain waves of my mind tend to do that sometimes LOL. Hope you all found the humor in that. :). Anyways, back to my blog. I get up in the morning and move my aching body around the small apartment I find myself in. I sit down with an ice pack on my lower back and read a daily devotion book called "Jesus Calling" and look up a few bible versus it refers to. Then I get out my journal and write down one or two things I'm grateful for. After that I challenge myself to come up with one goal I want to accomplish today.

You ask, why do you do such a goofy thing. Pick a goal you want to accomplish? Well, for me, my mind spins so fast some days I need to sit down and let it all catch up with my body. It is hard for a person like me to even pick a goal let alone work to get it accomplished. Mental Illness no matter what form or what degree it still takes hard work and practice of coping skills to master getting through a single day.

I want to welcome you to join me today and find one thing in your life you're grateful for. I chose: Prairie Care. They are my day outpatient treatment program for mental illness. The goal I chose today was to get through the day and have my kids understand why their mom is struggling every day to get through a single hour, let alone an entire day. Especially since I've worn a mask for over 30 years and always made my now grown up children think I could handle every situation and be their rock to stand on.

Have a wonderful Thursday and I hope you can accomplish what you challenge yourself to do today. 

Love Always,


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